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Friday, July 30, 2010

A Work In Progress

These 3, well it's actually 2 when they are all said and done are my version of parts taken from the Naruto manga. I started working on them along time ago (in a galaxy far far away, sorry couldn't resist) and I never really finished them. Every now and then I work on them for maybe 30 minutes. One day I'll finish them. All of these were done in Photoshop.

This is Sakura from Naruto. It's taken from the issue where she is fighting Sasori a puppet master. She in fact is being controlled by the puppet master's grandmother by attached chakra strings. It's almost done. I'm just really missing her face.

These 2 actually are part of the same piece that is made up of 3 seperate pieces. This is also taken from the Naruto manga as well. The one on the right being Naruto and the one on the left is Gaara. This is right during an emotional scene when Gaara is dead and they are working on bringing him back. This is literally right when he comes back to life. I've got alot more work to do to these. The middle one will be a mix of the two. The first is them as kids and the second is the scene where Gaara comes back to life.

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