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Friday, March 30, 2012

Why I Named Them Rusty and Wally

I keep getting asked why I named Jeremy's Wampa costume for the 501st Rusty. I think on one of my Wampa posts I even said I need to explain this eventually. So here is the story.

After spending several hours in Jeremy's garage helping building the Wampa, I would always stare at the walls at times. One of the things on the wall is this name badge like for a mechanics shirt that says Rusty over the work bench. I kinda forgot about it for awhile. After CV, I told him we should name the Wampa. He's like what? Name him. I randomly said a few names that I can't remember right now. Then I remembered the name badge over his work bench. I then named him Rusty. By now it has stuck at this point. People ask for Rusty specifically.

Now for the wampack. When we were at CV we went to the Ice Bar one night. We hung out with some people that were there for the convention. They had the Celebration Exclusive Wampa Plush. They kept calling him Wally. They even let me carry him around for awhile. Every since then anytime I saw that specific plush, I would call him Wally. So when I made the wampack there was no better name for him then Wally.

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